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Xiamen imposes new public rule: No eating or drinking on buses

2016-4-22 11:30:46 4436
A passenger was caught having breakfast on buses.
Much to the relief of those who find it intolerable to watch, smell, and hear other people eat or drink on public transport, the city of Xiamen has begun a pilot project banning eating and drinking on No. 51 buses since April of last year.
Cartoon images for promoting civilized behaviors on Xiamen public buses.
Commuters on No. 51 buses, a busy bus line between Lundu Ferry Terminal and Xiamen International Cruise Center, are reminded of the new rule by drivers and clearly visible signs onboard.
All No. 51 buses have removed the garbage baskets in their carriages and have clearly visible signs onboard.
After the trial period of about a year, all No. 51 buses have removed the garbage baskets in their carriages. According to bus drivers, the new “civilized” behavior on buses has helped to form good habits for most passengers and the bus carriages have been kept tidier.
The new rule banning eating and drinking on buses is expected to be upheld on buses numbered 52, 快3, 18 and 102 this year, covering areas including the Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center, Xiamen Railway Station, Xiamen North Railway Station, No. 1 Port Bus Station, Wucun Long-distance Bus Station, and Fanghu Long-distance Bus Station.
Many drivers on “No Eating or Drinking” buses will advise passengers to finish their food or drinks before getting on buses, according to the Xiamen Public Transport Group.
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