What's Hot in Xiamen

CAS Survey - Xiamen is the happiest city in China

2016-6-17 17:25:15 4304
According to the latest research report released by the Livable City Research Team of CAS (Chinese Academy of Science), Xiamen took first place in a "happiness index" survey of 40 Chinese cities. Following Xiamen were Weihai, Ningbo, Jinan, and Suzhou.
                                                                                                Photo by 杜明.ECHO
The index results are based on data from surveys of a large number of residents in the 40 cities, covering aspects such as public facilities, natural environment, cultural environment, transportation convenience, and sanitation and safety in the cities.
In a related "most livable cities" index, the top 10 cities were Qingdao, Kunming, Sanya, Dalian, Weihai, Suzhou, Zhuhai, Xiamen, Shenzhen, and Chongqing. Beijing and Guangzhou were at the bottom of the livable index among 40 cities surveyed in China.
Environment plays a big role in improving residents’ happiness, the research team explained.
The results of the happiness index surveys were questioned by many netizens, who wrote that skyrocketing housing prices in Xiamen put a great deal of pressure on residents.
                                                                                                           Photo by 紫日
In May this year, the average housing price of newly-built houses stood at RMB 29,027 per square meter, ranking the fourth place nationwide.
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